

Groton relies on our alumni volunteers to keep alumni connected, raise annual funds, and engage Grotonians across the country and the world.
There are many ways to get involved, including: Form Secretary, Form Agent, Assistant Form Agent, Give2Groton Advocate, GSAA Chapter Officers, and GWN City Chair.

If you would like to become more involved, please contact the Alumni Office at or 800-396-6866.

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  • Form Agent/Assistant Form Agent

    The Form Agent promotes and advances the annual fundraising objectives of Groton School through communication with formmates.

    The Form Agent, in conjunction with any Assistant Form Agent or reunion fundraiser, is the primary fundraiser for the form. Working with the Alumni Office, this person sets the strategic direction for the form fundraising team and actively fundraises on behalf of the school.

    Some of the key roles and responsibilities include: setting form participation and dollar goals, crafting form solicitation letters and emails, participating in training sessions, reviewing updates throughout the year, actively soliciting formmates for Groton Fund gifts, and thanking formmates who have made a gift.
  • Form Secretary/Reunion Planner

    The Form Secretary is the primary correspondent for the form and a critical connection between formmates and the school. Form Secretaries solicit updates from formmates to share in the Quarterly. They also share updates about each other and help organize informal gatherings. Many Form Secretaries maintain form Facebook groups to keep formmates informed and connected.

    Reunions are celebrated every five years, though alumni are welcome back every year! Form Secretaries may enlist the help of additional Reunion planners. These volunteers help plan all aspects of the form-specific dinner and any additional form events. They are also responsible for communicating updates about Reunion and encouraging formmates to attend the weekend.
  • Give2Groton Advocate

    Advocates are the key to our Give2Groton success. Do you like to post and connect on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.? If so, you would be an amazing Give2Groton Advocate!

    On the next Give2Groton, Tuesday, October 15, 2019, we will ask our Give2Groton Advocates to 1) make their gift to Groton and 2) spread the word about the day on the social media channels they use most. Groton will provide lots of sample text, photos, and banners. Please email Allison MacBride if you are interested in learning more.

List of 1 items.

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  • Groton Women's Network (GWN)

    The mission of the Groton Women's Network (GWN) is to build a community-driven network that reconnects and fosters new, enriching, lifetime relationships among Groton School women – alumnae, parents, spouses, and employees. The GWN supports this community by coordinating and hosting events and gatherings, encouraging professional and personal development, and sharing members' successes. The GWN also seeks to draw Groton women closer to Groton School, the institution that all share as a common bond.

    GWN Chapters

    • Boston
    • Chicago
    • London/Europe
    • Los Angeles
    • New York City
    • San Francisco
    • Washington D.C.

    If you’re interested in getting more involved with the GWN in your local area, please contact Amily Dunlap for more information.